Reflection on Man and Woman: Married by Complex Love and Mystical Spouses of Creation

Reflexão sobre o homem e a mulher: Casados por amor complexo e cônjuges místicos da criação



The difficulty of a relationship arises from the paradox of not considering a bond to be continuous, because the interruption, the fracture up to the gateway of what instead unites, is a seemingly inalienable, unbreakable, and dutiful condition between a man and a woman when they marry. One wonders why the dimension that unites so as not to separate, in a “necklace of precious promises,” immediately goes together with the condition that suffers the loss of hope and joy, leaving only the emergence of “premises,” almost warnings that at a moment, indeterminate, demand their redemption. One often hears it asserted, in an undue reference of conceit and vanity, that “promise is debt”; rather a promise is anything
but a debt, it is instead a mutual credit by which the power of joy and the light of the beginning is revived, a beginning that then continues in time not spoiling itself, but relocating itself in form and species, perforce,
new, just like the light of the dawn that is feeble yet astonishing without being magniloquent, because it reduces the darkness of night to a distant memory, which even seems impossible to us.

Biografia do Autor

Gianfranco Longo, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italia.


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